Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bursting at the Seams...

Days recently have flown by as if they were minutes. March? Already?! When did that happen? Every day here feels like summer. Stepping outside from an air-conditioned room, I'm immediately hit with a wall of hot, humid, and sticky air. In Iowa, it was easier to mark time by the changing of the seasons. 

The big question on your mind is probably why did I entitle my blog post "Bursting at the Seams?"

Imagine filling a water balloon. You hook up the balloon to the faucet and begin to fill the balloon slowly. As water enters the balloon, the balloon expands to accommodate. However, the balloon can only hold so much water and can only expand so much until....POP! It pops and water crashes all around. 

My life lately has been like a water balloon about ready to burst. A few things have contributed to this tension. Recently I have started to feel less like myself. This past year has been quite a year of transition for me. Being half a world away from my "norm," I realized I have not dealt with or grieved the loss of my mom. Consequently, I have been keeping all of my feelings to myself and bottling them up. In addition to that, the Dalat culture is swirling around me. Busy, meetings, information overload, class chapel, M.E.W. (Missions Emphasis Week), and much more! 

With so much going on, and very few people to talk to, it feels as though I am surrounded by people yet so alone. I walk around campus and see many smiling faces. We exchange pleasantries and continue on our way. What is lacking is the deepness of good friendships. Ones that don't revolve around talking about work, including students, colleagues, etc. When people talk, I listen. I take on their burdens and share the load. Well, that only works so long... I have expanded to my max capacity and am about to burst. 

Please pray that I will be able to continually lean on God fully for all I need. As a follower of Jesus Christ, it is easy to say that He is all I need. However, it is a much different story to trust, believe, and rely on that. Also, please pray for emotional healing. My emotions have been all over the place lately. My heart literally aches, even at this very moment. 

May God bless you and keep you!



  1. Hey, this is Kacey H. One of the girls on my floor went on a missions trip to Indiana over January. The message she got was this: Never be more overwhelmed by your circumstances than you are by God's love.

    Praying for you.

  2. Hey Sweetie,
    I don't claim to know how you feel, I only claim the Love of Christ over you, and to send the love I have for you. I'm so thankful that you feel free to share on your blog. Let me know if you want a Skype Date.... b/c I sure do!! I miss you bunches and am counting the days til I get a real live Jodi hug.
    Love you, Sherry

    “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

    Proverbs 17:17
    A friend loves at all times.... (and locations!)
