Tuesday, April 24, 2012


As humans, we are creatures of habit. Routines become natural. Predictability and normalcy are things we crave to have in our lives. Often times, we cringe at the sound of the word: change. Whether good or bad, it has a way of appearing at unexpected times.

Change is defined as "to make or become different; alter." Looking back at this year, I have come to realize how much has changed. Almost a year ago, my mom passed away suddenly. Change. My brother got married. Change. Packed up my classroom and apartment and moved home. Change. Packed again and moved overseas; alone. Change. 

Besides these big changes, I have noticed the little ones that happen day to day. Students absent due to sickness, bad attitudes, and technology not working are just some examples of the changes that may arise unexpectedly. This year I had a student get sick during Bible class on her desk. Did I anticipate that? Most definitely not!

What I want to emphasize is not the change itself; rather, it is how we (I) react to these changes. Is it easy to get frustrated with a student who shouts out in class? Is it easy to complain when there is an unwanted task that you have to accomplish? Of course! Our school's theme for the year is "The Road Less Travelled." Something I often tell my students is that we always have a choice. No one can make us do anything. When that student chooses to blurt out, I have two choices. One: I could lash out and get frustrated with the child. Or two: I could choose to extend grace to the child and patiently deal with him or her.

My desire is to allow Christ to work in and through me, guiding me to make choices that please Him. Christ wants us to change to be more like Him! Therefore, change is a necessity in this life. We are to daily take up our cross and follow our risen Savior. His desire is not only for us to be in relationship with Him, but to become more like Him each and every day. We cannot stay the same! 

Walking with Him,