Friday, January 20, 2012

A Year of Blessings

Hello! It's now nearing the end of our Christmas/Winter Break. As I look back at 2011, I realize it was a year of many blessings; however, it didn't stop there! God has blessed me immensely in 2012, and it's only just begun!

Last year I was living in Ames, working with wonderful ladies at Ames Christian School. My Early Kindergarten (EK) students were a lot of fun! In January, about a year ago to today, I applied for a position at Dalat International School. From there I was in a whirlwind of interviews, e-mails, and Skype phone calls. With many weeks of waiting, prayer, patience, and e-mails, I finally received an e-mail with  my contract at Dalat. Through moving here, God has provided many things. One of them being a car that I purchased from the States and was ready to drive the moment I stepped onto Malaysian soil. The apartment I currently live in was also a huge blessing from the Lord. I had lived in this apartment building during student teaching. It is close to the school, good size, and great view. One apartment opened up on the top (third) floor of that building. So many other little details fell into place.

Not only did God bless me with wonderful things I needed, He blessed me with  many people. It started in the States when it felt as though no one was there to help me... God placed certain individuals to encourage me and help me with things, such as packing, moving, cleaning, etc. Also, I have been BEYOND blessed by my home church. The congregation "family" at Blairsburg Missionary Alliance Church has been so supportive of me and what God has called me to do. I am very grateful for their continual support, especially in prayer. God didn't stop blessing me in Iowa. When I arrived in Penang, my wonderful host mom Karen was there to pick me up, with two of her children. Just three years ago she picked me up for my student teaching. We both had a deja-vu moment. Karen and her family were, and still are, a tremendous host family. They made what could have been a very difficult transition, very smooth. Beyond that, God has blessed me with many new friends that have invited me over for dinners and really invested in my life. 

Speaking of good friends... This past year (and the end of 2010) I was able to be in three different weddings. October 2010 - Olivia; March 2011 - Leah; June 2011 - Geoff and Meghan. It was such an honor to be included in each of these weddings and to share that special day with them. 

The most recent blessing I have been given was that my dad, Grandpa Petrie, and The Kerns were able to visit me in Penang. They were here eight full days and a little extra. During that time, we were able to talk through many things. I am thankful for the opportunity to grieve with people who understand what I am going through, who can relate to what I am feeling, and who can help me through this process. Being here six months without being able to get counselling or help from anyone has been a challenge. However, God is faithful and His timing is perfect. It was great to get hugs (since I mentioned in a previous blog about being hug-deprived). Laughter was probably the highlight of my trip. We all were able to enjoy each other's company, play games, and watch Tim Hawkins. 

The last blessing I will mention is the book I read recently, "Heaven is For Real." Honestly, a book (besides the Bible) has never changed me as much as this one has. Seeing Heaven from a toddler's point of view is incredible. Especially in light of my mom passing away this past year, it was nice to picture what she is experiencing. I strongly suggest you read the book if you haven't yet. :)

To end this note, I want to talk about what I have been learning recently. I have been struggling to love some people here as Jesus loves them. Their actions and words towards me have often been hurtful and often "make" me want to be rude. I say "make" because no one can make us feel anything. We CHOOSE to feel upset when something happens. That's right; we do have a choice. I'm currently reading through "Just Like Jesus" by Max Lucado. In it he talks about "loving the people you're stuck with." This really resonated with me. As I read this chapter, he talked about Jesus washing the disciples' feet. Jesus knew that Judas would very soon betray Him; yet, Jesus knelt down and washed His feet. He didn't bypass Judas or have a snotty attitude. Jesus showed him mercy and forgiveness. Plus, Jesus was innocent. He did not deserve the rejection, false accusations, etc. However, the way He responded was profound. He did not fight back! Even though He wasn't guilty, He did not get defensive and angry. Wow... As a child, I was very VERY defensive. I felt misunderstood and innocent. I wanted to prove that it wasn't my fault, so I chose to argue. Now as an adult, I look at Jesus' reaction. When someone here says something hurtful, how do I react? Do I retaliate? Ignore them? Be rude? Or do I show them mercy and forgiveness? Do I love them, pray for them, and continue to be genuinely polite to them? I have been challenged with this lately. I now pray daily that God will allow me to act and react like Christ. 

I pray that you all have had a blessed New Year thus far! Life is full of many trials and tribulations. Remember these things... God is good ALL the time. God is faithful to those who love Him. God only gives us as much as we can handle, with His help. There will always be something to gripe about, but choose the Road Less Travelled. Choose to see the blessings!

In Christ,


  1. What a blessing and encouragement it is to me, Jodie, to hear about how you are growing in your faith. You are learning some lessons that many others haven't learned until they are much older - so praise God for His work in your life and always...always stand firm for Christ. If you haven't read "90 Minutes in Heaven" read it sometime - it from a different angle than "Heaven is for Real", but for me it was just as encouragement, uplifting, and enlightening. I think you'll enjoy it. If you can't get a copy, let me know and I'll send you one. OK?
    Love you, but Jesus loves you more,

  2. Precious Jodi,
    What a blessing your blog post was. Not only to hear of your joy, growth, and thankfulness, but it ministered to my own heart in a personal way. Can't wait to hear about the classroom's second semester.
    Hugs to you.
    Love, Sherry
    Romans 1:8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world.
